(636) 379-8195

Vince Biermann 1936-2019
Vince started the auction service in 1991 as a hobby, which he carried on after retiring from 36 years at Ehrhardt Tool. While he loved calling auctions, his real passion was people. He enjoyed interacting with so many wonderful folks through the years - bidders, sellers, and crew. It's through those relationships that our business has grown into what it is today.
We will carry on in his honor to serve our customers in the same way he did - always with respect, integrity and hard work.
Meade Spears 1932-2013
Meade was a spirited member of the auction service team for over 20 years, father to auctioneer Steve Spears and husband to Oey Spears our former absentee bidder. Meade was a regular sight in the ring: holding up items (Who can forget all those silly hats?), calling out bids, and yelling at the auctioneer when he thought he wasn't moving fast enough.
Meade was passionate about auctions and his enthusiasm was contagious throughout the entire crew. We hope you'll join us in honoring Meade by enjoying our auctions as much as he did.

Dennis O'Mara 1948-2022
Dennis served as a member of the auction service crew for many years. His support and passion for our auctions helped keep the business going during the toughest times. He helped in so many ways, but he particularly loved working the ring during the sale. He would get the crowd laughing with his terrible puns and by modeling fancy hats as they came up for sale
Dennis was a wonderful friend, and we will certainly miss him.